The Stearns and Schenck soccer teams made it through the season with 12 wins. The game against DIS would determine whether or not they made it to playoffs. They won that game 4-0, and then it was straight to the quarter-finals. They found themselves in fourth place. They then had to play Southern Aroostook. A team they have not yet played in the season. Not knowing what their opponent’s strategies were, they went out and tried their hardest to figure out Southern Aroostoo’s strategies. Although Schenck and Stearns tried their hardest and did their best to defeat Southern Aroostook, unfortunately they were not able to pull off a victory. They lost with a score of 1-3.
Although they did not win, the team spirit didn’t go down, they knew they tried their hardest, and that is what matters. This loss brought them to the end of their season.
A huge thanks to the girls that play for Stearns: Trista Stanley, Alisyn Alley, Mackenzie Friel, Cathrine Alley, and Natalya Mohoff.
By: Trista Stanley
