A recent investigation by Cruelty Free International and SOKO Tierschutz revealed disturbing footage at a German research laboratory — namely, the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology.
By: Trista Stanley and Gwen Dubois

Take a minute and look around your neighborhood. What you will find hidden in the shadows are animals in despair. Abandoned, discarded, abused by their owners and forgotten by society. You can do something, we can help and be a voice for the voiceless. These animals are tossed aside like yesterday’s trash. In 2018 alone, there were more than 2,938 strays in Maine. How would you feel if your animal or pet was left out alone in the world after you were gone?
These animals have nowhere to go and no one to help them from the emptiness they once called home. No one should have to worry if their loved family member is hurt or worse killed because they were put out on the street ALONE.
This problem needs the help of more than two young girls. We want the community to realize this is a very serious issue. The Savior Project will focus on protecting animals who have nowhere to go and no one to help them. We are hoping that everyone will realize that these animals have feelings too. The Savior Project’s ultimate goal is to provide an animal shelter right here in Millinocket, so animals will not suffer the horrors of abandonment. If you are interested in being a part of Project Savior, see Ms. Dwyer in room 202 or Trista Stanley to join the cause and help save these poor animals from a sad fate they had no control over.